We are building an open and & transparent organization as much as possible. We are not perfect, but are working towards making available for review of all our data driven decisions.

We don’t ask people about their previous salary and slightly increase it. We maintain a set of systematic principles on which we decide an equitable compensation for all. The compensation is set based on Salary system.

Competitive Rates

We need our compensation to be at a level where we can hire and keep people who meet our standards. Our requirements for all roles are at or above the average in the market. Every year, we review data from the market and adjust the target salaries based on survey data, feedback from applicants and team members, and candidate data.

Local Rates

We pay based on local rates. Competitive rates for roles change depending on regions and countries and as we pay Competitive Rates, our team members will be able to maintain a standard of life in the high percentiles in their region.

No Bonuses

After multiple years of working with bonuses, we have decided that, at our stage, there is no benefit to bonus other than forcing the team member to stay with us until the bonus date. We hope that you stay with us because you are happy and doing a fulfilling job, not because of golden cuffs. Additionally, as a small team, we don’t have enough data to equitably measure performance to base extra compensation on.

Instead, we pay Competitive Rates, generous Time Off that include what you would get as additional compensation in other companies.

Yearly Adjustments

When we review market rates we update all salaries to stay competitive within the local rate.

Last updated March 9, 2023 12:52 PM (PST) by @Dogan Demir

Salary system