<aside> 💡 The following are resources created by the wider Aave community, to help fellow community members. The accuracy of these community contributions is not guaranteed, but we do our best to filter them.

The official docs are located here: https://docs.aave.com/hub/



Aave V3 Landing Page - Walkthrough and explainer of main sections by DeFinfographics *grantee*

Overview of AAVE V3 new features - A step-by-step walkthrough by DeFinfographics *grantee*

Aave Grants Retrospective - by @sovereignsignal as featured on the Defiant *grantee*


Animated Aave Explainer Videos by Cryptoversidad *grantee*

Aave overview - Finematics

Aave v3 overview - The Defiant

Aave v3 upgrades - DeFi Slate - *grantee*

The Return of Aave w/ Stani - Bankless

Aave explainer playlist - Cryptoversidad *grantee*

DEFI DIARIES | Exploring AAVE: What it is and Why It Matters - by the alt.bae podcast *grantee*

Aave Grants DAO Summit

The State of Grants in Web3 featuring Shreyas

Aave 🛠 New Frontiers for DeFi Builders by @DeFiSpartan - workshop for ETHOnline 2022 walking through building applications around a variety of protocol features including credit delegation, e-mode, and flashloans!
