This is a task in a continual process, as ideas, suggestions and activities are being sought, analyzed and implemented by the HR which might involve some other working groups in regards to it’s execution, and Council in regards to adoption and reward.

Days Activities Description Execution Goal Key Result
Monday Daily GM Campaign Members drop greetings in the General Channel and Telegram daily. A reward might follow at the end of the week upon Council’s decision, if done consecutively. Also a proposal has been made to the MWG to include as a task in Crew3 campaign to promote engagement A great way to foster a sense of community, improve engagement and create a positive culture
AMA Session This includes roundtable, interview, workshop or training session on Voice Channels, hosted by HR Events are scheduled ahead of time with guests and date might be adjusted to accommodate invitee’s plan. To foster transparency, build trust and strengthen the relationship between the DAO and it’s community.
Tuesday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided
Member Spotlight The community gets acquainted with the profile of a member of the DAO, this could be a worker, CM or just any member at all. It could be through a pre-recorded video session, voice or documentation Members are reached out to by HR to participate in the weekly spotlight and means of production is chosen by the member, this could be in writing, video or audio for public enlightenment To foster transparency, build trust and strengthen the relationship between the DAO and it’s community.
Wednesday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided
The best videos on Gleev/L1media of the week Best videos from Gleev/L1media will be alternated, as such promoting it’s usage, with the eyes on the prize, more creators could be created. Section Popular on Gleev
/L1media displays the 10 most popular videos viewed during the month. HR worker chooses 3-5 videos and arranges a vote in the main channel for the best video. To promote the usage of gleev/l1media and community participation by members
Thursday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided
Off-topic: what's the weather like, what you had for breakfast, hobbies, and other topics Share your experience in the General Discord channel Get to know each other better and create a friendly atmosphere where it is comfortable to be
Friday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided
The best Forum post of the week Members are motivated to get involved in forum usage and create interesting topics to stand out for a reward. The forum Lead makes a selection of the 3 most interesting posts on the forum for the week. A vote on posts is conducted in General Channel To promote the usage of forum and community participation by members
Saturday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided
DAO Quiz Competition A quiz competition hosted by the HR in #Quiz Channel With the Quiz Bot deployed, HR can use this to automate the quiz for fairness and transparency. To promote the Joystream project knowledge and also rewarding community for participation
Sunday Daily GM Campaign Provided Provided Provided