Comments are a great way to start contextual discussions at any moment of a claap video. Share your ideas and thoughts by leaving comments and mentioning teammates. Take decisions faster.

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Adding comment in a claap

Adding a comment

There are 2 options to add comments in a claap.

Add comments while recording a claap

Mar-17-2022 14-56-56.gif

Adding a comment while recording

To add a comment during a recording:

  1. Start a recording.
  2. Click on the Share button in the extension overlay or press CTRL + SHIFT + C.
  3. Recording is automatically paused while you are adding a comment.
  4. Drag and drop a zone of your screen where you want to add a comment.
  5. Fill your comment and press Send.
  6. Recording is automatically resumed when the comment is sent.

Add comments while watching a claap