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Governance Charter

A Protocol for Scaling Loving Kindness

Collaborative Governance Framework

Collective Current-See



Envision a pre-colonial village where elders, championing fairness, introduced ceramic vessels as Units of Account (UoA) for grain. This system, rooted in reciprocity, would have built upon existing social agreements and traditional practices like rotational mutual-aid, intrinsic mutual credit systems already in place.

Word of this inventive method could have traveled, sparking interest and prompting neighboring villages to adopt it, thus setting off a ripple of standardization protocols across the region.

It's here that Units of Account (UoA), acting as a measurable standard for value, could have transformed these mutual credit systems. By providing a concrete reference for value, they helped in quantifying and validating the communal commitments, creating a stronger foundation for existing reciprocal practices.

With this firmer foundation, a new innovation may have been born - Bearer Instruments. These were more than just tokens. They encapsulated and represented the value of these commitments, functioning as vouchers that could travel between villages and clans, thereby extending the reach and impact of their original mutual-aid systems.

Grassroots, cooperative, non-dominating system of agreements and technology in a village could have reshaped a region's economic landscape, strengthening vibrant social economies.

"The Units of Account were agreements between us / The Currency came from within us - our shared trust." - Babu ya Ndoto

In our contemporary world, if we dared to tap into the wisdom of our ancestors, imagine the heights of collaboration and well-being we could reach?

Table of Contents


This document describes a means by which Human Scale Coordination, and in some cases Distributed Ledger Technology, can support the creation of a scalable system of exchange based on real Units of Account (UoA) as Bearer Instruments (Sacred Promises) in which any number of people can find themselves working together towards a common goal, while having access to resources to meet their basic needs, while at the same time, being rewarded accordingly for their contributions towards supporting the basic needs of others, and the furthering of the common goals.