Coding Platform

If you've done much in the way of coding before, you'll know that just getting yourself setup can be a job in itself! So to help quick start your coding experience, we did it all for you! 🎉🙌

Head on over to and we'll walk you through the steps 😲

As a member of our Slack workspace you'll be able to use this access when you are prompted to sign in!

This is just used to keep track of your project 👀

If all goes according to plan...

💻 You'll be all ready to get started!

Creating your first project

There won't be much going on here yet, so you'll want to go ahead and use the new button in the top left to start the process.

From there you'll need to give it a Name and a Runtime. Don't worry too much since it will be easy enough to change this later.

After clicking submit you should now see a new card on the page.

You've got yourself a brand new project! 🎉