Policy Owner: Operations

<aside> đź’ˇ This policy has been developed in accordance with the BC Human Rights Code, the Employment Standards Act, and other applicable regulations.



The primary goal of Silota Research and Development Inc’s Code of Conduct is to foster inclusive, collaborative and safe working conditions for all its staff. As such, Silota Research and Development Inc (“Covalent”) is committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all staff, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or religion (or lack thereof).

This code of conduct outlines our expectations for all staff, as well as the consequences of unacceptable behaviour.


The Code of Conduct applies to all Covalent staff. This includes full-time, part-time and contractor staff employed at every seniority level. The Code of Conduct is to be upheld during all professional functions and events, including but not limited to business hours at the Covalent office, during related extracurricular activities and events, while attending conferences and other professional events on behalf of Covalent, and while working remotely and communicating on Covalent resources with other staff.

We expect all Covalent staff to abide by this Code of Conduct in all business matters, online and in-person, and in all one-on-one communications with customers and staff pertaining to Covalent business.

This Code of Conduct also applies to unacceptable behaviour occurring outside the scope of business activities when such behaviour has the potential to adversely affect the safety and well-being of Covalent staff and clients.

Culture and Citizenship

A supplemental goal of this Code of Conduct is to increase open citizenship by encouraging participants to recognize the relationships between our actions and their effects within the Covalent culture.

Be welcoming. We strive to be a company that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

Be considerate. Your work at Covalent will be used by other people, and you, in turn, will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.

Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a company where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither productive nor pleasant. Covalent staff should always be respectful when dealing with other personnel and people outside of Covalent employment.

Acceptable and Expected Behavior

The following behaviors are expected and requested of all Covalent staff: