Tiri Kananuruk


In this class we will learn an overview of Talking Machines, looking though its history and into its future. We will explore voice interfaces and their role in technology, design, art and culture. We will learn how to take advantage of existing technologies like p5.js to create our own talking machines.

For students to watch before the class

1.1: Code! Programming for Beginners with p5.js

1.2: p5.js Web Editor - p5.js Tutorial

Goals and Requirements

We will have some coding exercise. I expect from you to try to follow along and attempt the homework. I will have some questions and we can bring the discussion into the open office hour after the class together.

Part 1: From HAL 9000 to Google Home - History of the voice interface

1926 - Mr. Televox:

History of Computers and Computing, Automata, Elektro of Westinghouse

1939 - Elektro:

Elektro @ NY World's Fair 1939