🔎 A bit about the company

Clickon was one of the biggest Brazilian e-commerce marketplaces connecting users to local merchants by offering activities, travel, food, and services Based in São Paulo, and with operations in the whole country, Clickon also expanded to some other places in Latin America, like Argentina and Mexico.

⁉️ Challenge/Business Problem

Shifting the business model

In the early 2010s the online deals website in Brazil was transacting almost 1 billion dollars (USD). http://g1.globo.com/jornal-hoje/noticia/2012/03/consumidores-adquirem-cupons-em-sites-de-compra-coletiva-e-nao-usam.html

As this business model started to face issues - especially due to the poor service delivery and deals with bad partners - the whole industry started to collapse a couple of years later and Clickon had to make adjustments in how they'd be positioning themselves from that moment on.

They found in the Travel industry their biggest opportunity.

👥 Team and Role

Senior Visual Designer

Collaborating with Devs, CEO, Creative Director

🧙‍♂️ The Journey/Approach


A full redesign of the pages and experience was the main idea in re-positioning the company

A lot of user research was done in order to better understand customer's behaviours and mental model when researching and booking their next destination