Hey Andrew and team! I’m Jérémy Chevallier.

I’ve built 3 small communities so far, and I’m familiar with the pain points. Several of my closest friends are building communities of their own, and the vision of "Shopify for creator/brand-led communities" is super inspiring! 😀

Meet me! (1 min)


I’d love to have a conversation to learn more about your vision, culture, and community needs.

30 Minutes - Jérémy Chevallier

Let’s chat! ⤴️

Why Circle?

I’m quite familiar with the feelings of loneliness and belonging. Having been both the loner kid in school and part of thriving communities—online and offline—I empathize deeply with those who crave community, and feel inspired by the thought of helping more people belong.

Working under design and growth leaders like you (not to mention all-star product investors like JMJ, Scott Belsky and who I’m guessing is Rahul Vohra) sounds like a dream—I’m itching to experience product-led growth done right. Jay Clouse’s testimonial in your footer speaks volumes about your approach, and makes my heart beat faster.

My experience teaching

I’ve taught, tutored, and/or coached French language, soccer, freelancing, job hunting, and no-code app building. You can see it all at jeremy.chevallier.net/coaching.

Here are just a couple things to back it up, as well as my.gigloft.com/testimonials like this one:

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/600c32ac-b0fc-406c-957d-56cb265e41d5/headshot-theresa-sam-houghton.jpeg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/600c32ac-b0fc-406c-957d-56cb265e41d5/headshot-theresa-sam-houghton.jpeg" width="40px" /> *“Jeremy's enthusiastic coaching encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and start pushing past the boundaries I'd unconsciously set for myself.

He’s gone above and beyond to answer questions, walk me through unfamiliar processes and even just listen when I'm having a tough week.”*




My experience building communities

PubLoft & GigLoft

While we were building PubLoft (and managing content calendars for 15+ clients at a time), my visionary cofounder Mat didn’t just want to recruit freelance writers—he saw it as an entire “Writer Network.” So, as the builder that I am, I got to work.


As we built out the network and invited freelance writers to join our growing Slack community, we realized there was an incredible opportunity to teach these writers how to get their own clients—while PubLoft was growing 50-100% month-over-month, we still couldn’t keep up with the writer supply.

So, GigLoft was born—and one of its main value propositions to beginner freelancers has been our community of welcoming, diverse entrepreneurs.