Client: Microsoft Office

My Role: Social Strategist

Small Business Influencer Outreach & Producing / Social Strategy / Storyline Development

Microsoft Office wanted to reach entrepreneurially-minded young people and inspire them to use Office products as they create lives for themselves.

To do so, myself along with a small team of creatives developed a series of social and blog content ("Office Stories"), which tells the stories of small business owners across the country, via short video clips, images, and quotes shared across social, with corresponding long-form blog posts.

From ice cream makers to kickboxing champions to fruit vendors, we connected with fascinating people and businesses, asking them not only how they use Office 365 in their day-to-day, but about the ins and outs of what they do.

The result was a stream of engaging social content that inspired our consumer audience by speaking to their desire to achieve more, establishing Microsoft Office as a cheerleader for the small businesses across the country that lead with grit, passion, and perseverance.