Redesigned Crunchyroll iOS app.  Featured by Apple “Apps We Love”, on June 12, 2019.

Redesigned Crunchyroll iOS app. Featured by Apple “Apps We Love”, on June 12, 2019.



The main challenge we encountered during the iOS redesign was the application architecture. We tackled this by replacing the hamburger side menu with a more robust tab navigation system, which made it easier to access the bottom-level sections of the app. By doing this, we were also able to eliminate navigational taps that previously placed a heavy cognitive load on our users. This resulted in fewer taps and a more user-friendly app design for our users.

iOS screens

iOS screens

User Research and User Journeys

Crunchyroll Expo

Crunchyroll Expo

Anime fans are the lifeblood of everything Crunchyroll. Without them, our job as designers wouldn't exist. Therefore, it's vital that we enable users to get as close as possible to the content they love.

As we began redesigning the Crunchyroll iOS application, we had many questions in mind: