As doctors, we know that the patient experience we provide is everything! The biggest part of this? Our clinical expertise we bring to each case. We’ve all faced the patients that walk in and make us realize we’re up against a tough case. We filter through all our previous experience and knowledge, racking our brains for the best way to treat this patient. Here’s the problem – for the most part (no matter our experience, knowledge, length of career), we’re limited to just our own journey.

But we also know that across the globe, there are doctors just like you seeing similar cases and treating them differently – potentially more efficiently and effectively. Having immediate access to that information and knowledge exponentially increases the breadth of your knowledge base. The more cases you see, the more you learn to create new treatment possibilities for your own clinic.

Enter qlark Case Studios. We take 4 qlark Cases – verified and validated case reports from expert practitioners – centered around themes like Mastering Open Bites or Non-Surgical Treatment for Class III adults and package them for you as a learning experience. You’ll be able to drill down within the qlark Case using our industry-leading Case Analyzer to see every step of the recorded treatment journey. To top it off, you can converse with the case’s treating clinician to answer questions or collaborate on thoughts you have. And of course, you do all this while earning Continuing Education credits.


To get started:

  1. Join qlark and pick a Case Studio to participate in.

  2. Experience a self-directed learning experience with qlark Cases by delving into the details of tough treatment.

  3. Instantly apply your turbo-charged knowledge and skill to treat similar tough cases.

  4. Have access to the master clinician for collaboration.

  5. Easily bank CE units.

At qlark, our goal is to provide an effective learning experience through verified, validated clinical cases treated by master clinicians with great expertise. Our technology is continually evolving to ensure you have the best experience to maximize your learning from anywhere at any time.

As you go through qlark Case Studios, you will learn how to treat tough cases around a variety of themes – all positively affecting your treatment times and clinical efficiency. Avoid the stress of treating challenging cases and avoid potentially uncomfortable patient conversations regarding treatment complications.

As always, we’re here to support you – Invest in a better you, now!