Iconscout is a design resources marketplace acquired by LottieFiles with 3.2 Million+ icons, illustrations, 3D, and Lottie animations from 1600+ contributors around the world. We're on a mission to find, manage and share design resources with a single click right inside the tool you're using. We've partnered with international brands like Adobe, Visual China Group (VCG), Invision to build our plugin ecosystem.

We are on a mission to build a next-generation design resources marketplace to provide access to high-quality creative assets to individuals and companies.

Our Culture

Be Curious and Passionate

We believe that curiosity opens up a new dimension to every problem. We encourage you to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and solve problems passionately.

Build Together

We believe in motivating and supporting each other. We understand that we all are work in progress, and we believe in building together. We want to help you grow professionally as well as personally.

Take the Ownership

There are two choices in life: To act or To accept. We have taken the responsibility to build better products and services to help the world.

Have fun

We don't take ourselves too seriously, or at least we try :) Happiness and joy are core to a strong culture of productivity. We enjoy ourselves with weekly games, team outings for lunch/dinner, and yearly trips.


Open Positions
