What do we do?

We help people build their network and form connections in personalized online communities! People are matched through data interests and added to small private channels. Then they are channelised to meet new people and become and indelible part of an online community!

Caperfy Pilot

We launched our pilot in December and served about 100 individuals! We connected people from across the world, whilst taking data interests to have one-on-one conversations! This is how our pilot looked like:

Some of our users reached out to us personally-


Here's what it looked like-


What we aspire to achieve from Caperfy Alpha?

We wish to connect individuals from the Georgia Tech College of Computing to build strong knit communities!

<aside> 💡 Step 1- Individuals Sign up through the Typeform 👨‍💻


<aside> 💡 Step 2- We invite individuals to our Slack channel 📲


<aside> 💡 Step 3- We take in data interests and add them to a 15 person small private channel 💬


<aside> 💡 Step 4- We channelise group conversations and help them form a community


<aside> 💡 Step 5- Then, we connect individuals for one-on-one calls based on data interests to be engaged more with their community.


After a month, we add them to a new community. This depends on the users wish. This way, people build long lasting connections and have the sense of a tight-knit community.