
This article provides specific instructions for configuring ClassIn’s LTI Tool with Canvas.

Note: Please ensure that and you have permission to ClassIn LTI tool and you are the administrator of Canvas.

Configuring API permission for ClassIn LTI on Canvas

1.1 Login Canvas as an admin:

then click Admin->Your school account (ClassIn in the example) Click ‘+Developer Key’->’+API Key’



1.2 Input setting of the API key:

1) the name of the key, owner Email

2) Redirect URLs as: https://lti.classin.com/canvas/redirect.php

3) Enable “ Enforce Scopes" Button

And click the “Calendar Events” and “Course” from the following list
  1. Click save and back to the page.


1.3 Find your key on the Developer Keys page :

1) Set the status as ON

2) Copy the numbers on the Details

3) Click Show Key and copy the string that showed.


1.4 Provide URL of your website, the numbers , the string and your school account in ClassIn to ClassIn team.