<aside> 🚨 This is a collection of high quality websites with updated information on the CZU Lighting fire affecting Santa Cruz and San Mateo Counties. Please note that while this list includes official Cal Fire links, it is unofficial and is in no way exhaustive or associated with Cal Fire or any other authorities on the fire. Maps consist of the Official Cal Fire evacuation map (warning/evacuation/manually inputed perimeter layers), fire heat maps using satellite imagery, and a handful assorted maps with helpful metrics. The Cal Fire CZU Twitter page is an account jointly dedicated across departments to provide the most up to date information on the fire (live press briefings, evacuation warnings/orders and environmental updates can be found here). Regular news sites have helpful infographics but are not as well updated as other sources. Google News topic aggregation generally has the best collection of up to date articles on the fire. Stay safe.


CZU Fire Dashboard


<aside> πŸ—ΊοΈ Cal Fire: Official Evacuation and Perimeter Map


<aside> 🏞️ Midpen Open Space: Composite Fire Map


<aside> β­• NWCG: Real Time Fire Heat Map #1


<aside> β­• Caltopo: Real Time Fire Heat Map #2


<aside> 🌬️ Windy: Wind Direction Map


<aside> 🌑️ Purple: Air Quality Map


<aside> βš–οΈ IQ Air: Air Quality and Wind Map


<aside> ✈️ Flight Radar 24: Tanker Air Traffic Map (Shows all aircraft travel over area)


<aside> ⚑ **[Real Time Lightning Map](https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;ts24=0;z=8;y=37.2533;x=-123.7379;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;tsc=1;src=6;)**


<aside> ❌ County of Santa Cruz: Damage Assessment Map
