Timeline: July 7 - Aug 7, 2020 (or until the rewards pool is drained)

Rewards Pool: 250,000 CKB

Latest Updates please check it here.


1. post constructive feedbacks, questions or memesĀ [with your CKB address] - will select 10 comments and 1000 CKB will be awarded each. [July7-July14 ONLY]

2. revising the texts in the doc - you have a simpler, more digestible way in explaining the concept or you find there is lacking of any essential information on some pages - accepted edited copy win 10,000 CKB for each page.

3. adding infographics - 5000-15,000 CKB per accepted infographics.

4. creating new content - essays, short vlogs, quizzes, games - selected ones will be awarded 10,000-25,000 CKB each and added as new links into the wiki.

You can leave your comments on the wiki site (that will require you to register a free Notion account) or on this thread on Nervos Talk. For content ideas and submission, you can find me (and other contributors) via telegram chatroom https://t.me/joinchat/HacSRhtUsQNJOA_MZQ5V6g

Other references:

Writing about CKB