Hi, my name is Emma Younan. I’m a 4th year Communication and Multimedia Design student at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. And this project will be my graduation project. My main focus is visual design, illustrations, and animation. And I like to collect beer coasters, it's for me like collecting memories that I made in different places.

Here is a small visualization that I made of some of my beer coasters. This was during my first year of CMD.

Conditional Design

Conditional Design

And here are some of the projects that I have worked on last year (during the Visual Interface Design minor).

The link works best on desktop with Google Chrome. 😅

VID minor

Project group

I'm in project group a with people that gather data about bullying and the effect that it has on health.

My topic

Bullying was my first choice for a topic. After doing a small research about bullying and its effect on health; and after thinking about the whole situation now with social distancing and how our social life is now more online based. I decided to narrow my topic and focus my research in the upcoming weeks on cyberbullying and its effect on health. With a focus on the stories and not only the numbers and statistics.

Below you can find my first key finding about the topic.