For a more general introduction to bubble learning, check the link below.

Getting Started

For resources around getting started building in bubble visit here:

Building decent looking UI in bubble takes some time to get the hang of. But I would say there are a few things that help to create better UI. But once you get the hang of creating good UI in Bubble becomes quite easy, the goal of this content is to understand how to shake off "bubble look" to your site. However more amazing you want to make your design is up to you. But these are just a few tips and tricks on how to make your bubble UI better.

Note don't stress about making the design amazing from the jump, you will improve it over time. But start with a good foundation to create a good a looking UI for your app, and improve it over time.

Here some general tips by bubble io when designing

Tips when Designing

The keys to Bubble UI are:


The most difficult part of layouts in bubble is responsivity. I think the concepts are best explained by the videos below.

Using the Styles tabs

Using Styles

This is a very important tip and a fundamental tool within The style tabs allow you to edit different visual elements like buttons or inputs. Once a style is defined you can reuse it as many times as you want within your bubble app. This helps you to keep a consistent visual aesthetic throughout your app.

It is also helpful performance wise to define your styles in the styles tab. It removes the load off of bubble to have to constantly call upon a different style for each element.

Also, one thing to note to have the colors your frequent the most on hand it is good to define them as well. Go to settings → general → scroll to the color palette. Having these will help to keep your colors consistent throughout the app