
In the beginning of our finding phase we focused on the question what doesn't work and is missing on Zoom. We came to three main points and tried to specify each term a bit more:

  1. Ambience & Sharing Emotions
  2. Position & Sound Hierarchy
  3. Aspect of Notification


It lacks a subtle way of drawing the attention of other people/workers. There is no overview of the mood in the group.


So far, there is hardly any possibility to participate in discussions spontaneously or to start informal conversations.


Difficult to pick up on emotions / nonverbal cues as a presenter. Generally "feeling" the audience.


There is a lack of space at parties and other "gatherings". It isn't easy to spontaneously join a conversation and opt-out of it. It would be interesting to find out if spatial audio can solve this issue

After sorting the ideas we came across the aspect of problems and issues we experience during presentations on Zoom.

Defining Problems

Presentation on Zoom

Defining Targets

What are idicator for distraction