The Boxy Prefab Brush is similar to the GameObject Brush from the 2D Extras Package but built with Box Fill and Scatter methods at its core.

Fills will fill up the box selection with your intended Prefab. If multiple prefabs are provided, the brush will choose them at random. (It's my intention to add a weight value to this brush.) Until then, if you wish for a prefab to show up more often than others, I'd suggest adding the prefab twice to the list.

Your Prefabs will be set as a child of a GameObject with the BoxyCollection component. If none exists, one will be created for you and set under the active tilemap as a child.




Scatter Ignores all tilemaps and places the Prefab at random spaces in your box selection.


Scatter On Top

Scatter On Top will place tiles only on top of the tiles set in either the active tile map or the target tile map set in the brush inspector.


Scatter In Empty

Scatter In Empty is much the same as the Scatter Brush but will only pick empty tiles to set your Prefabs. Optionally, you can choose to search all TileMaps in the scene for empties if you have separated TileMaps.



Fills the box selection with the selected prefab set.
