Link to the configuration


Monetary exchange incentives are a type of exchange incentive that can be applied in conjunction with the incentives that you are already configuring. You can take control of the situations this incentive applies, and configure a maximum value that the incentive will not go beyond.

<aside> 👉🏼 This incentive will apply to each request in the order service that is an exchange.


How to configure it?

To configure your monetary incentive, navigate to:

Configure > Return Management > Exchanges

When you scroll down, you will see a section titled Monetary exchange incentives.


To configure your incentive, click on the pencil icon. This will open up a popup.

You can have two types of discounts. A fixed amount, or a percentage discount.

Fixed Amount: An amount that you have mentioned will be provided to the shopper as a credit for each exchange that they make.


Percentage Discount: A percentage that you have specified will be provided to the shopper as a credit for each exchange that they make. The amount will be calculated on the price of the Original Purchase. For percentage discounts, you can also set up a threshold value. The threshold value will be the maximum discount that a particular individual request can have.


For each type of discount, you can set whether the discount applies on:

You can only have one type of incentive active at one time, either a fixed amount or a percentage.