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Two Words to Shape a Better Future

Give More.

That's the short version.

Here's the long one: Give more and don't expect anything else in return.

Of course, you don't do too much where you are going to sacrifice your own well-being. Moderation is still key. But I'm talking about challenging yourself to give at least a little bit more than usual.

What if all of us would be giving more?

Nobody is useless. Do you believe this? I do. All of us have something special to offer.

It doesn't have to cost you money. Writing these words and insights just cost me my time. Don't underestimate the value of your own time. Did you know your presence alone is already meaningful to someone else right now? Who is happy when you are there?

Now imagine this. What if our wold will have more givers? What if we would seek first to understand then be understood?

Give your boss a chance to be heard. Give your friend your own perspective about his problem. Give your kids more patience.

Give. Give. Give.

Before I left my dream job months ago, I took the time to write a goodbye note to my closest workmates and superiors. All of them replied and thanked me for my contributions for the past four years. Some were very specific on how I've helped them out. I cried reading their words. I was deeply moved, touched and grateful.

I know from personal experience... I know generosity makes the heart bigger. And when you have a bigger beautiful heart, you will have more space to embrace all the goodness in this world.

So... what's next?

For me, I'll be writing every day. I'm going to share with you my very best insight about life and work. Why? Because I love it! I love giving! And our technology today breaks the limitations of time and space.

If this writing helps you in some way, then feel free to share this to someone else who just might need it.

How about you? What can you give more of?

Don't forget to give to yourself as well. Give yourself the chance to become better every day.

Just give more. Take less.



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