Developmental Theories

The Old Theories of Development and the New Theories of Development will be the two portions of this article's study of the chosen theories in this topic. The division does not suggest a level of quality; it is merely based on the historical periods during which the theories first appeared. The old hypotheses date from the early to late 1900s, while the new theories start to emerge around the year 2000.

outdated ideas

The Freud and Erikson theories make up each half of the psychodynamic theories.

Based on Freud's psychosexual stages of development, the psychosexual phases theory demonstrates how universal developmental processes and stages can be comprehended by looking at the unique life experiences of people (Cole et al., 2005, p. 16). These stages are divided by Freud (1953) in accordance with particular years in a person's life:

The existence of the Id, Ego, and Superego as well as the levels of the mind that encompass the unconscious are additional concepts contained in Freud's Psychodynamic Theory. While these notions are not pertinent to the topic of this article, they are nonetheless worth addressing.

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