This is a reflection on the exercises from the book: A People’s Guide to AI.

When you hear the words "Artificial Intelligence", what are the first four things that come to your mind?

  1. Smartphone Apps: When I hear "Artificial Intelligence," I think of the intelligent algorithms powering my favorite apps, like predictive text on messaging apps or personalized recommendations on streaming platforms, making my digital experience smoother and more tailored.
  2. Smart Home Devices: AI comes to mind as the brains behind my smart home devices, like the voice-activated assistant controlling my lights, thermostat, and security system, turning my home into a futuristic hub of convenience and automation.
  3. Recommendation Engines: Whether it's the algorithm suggesting movies on Netflix, songs on Spotify, or products on Amazon, AI is like a helpful virtual shopping assistant, offering personalized recommendations based on my preferences and browsing history.
  4. Virtual Assistants: The AI-powered virtual assistants on my smartphone or smart speaker, such as Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant, immediately spring to mind, ready to answer questions, set reminders, and even tell jokes, adding a touch of tech-savvy charm to my daily interactions.

Think about the devices and/or digital services you use daily. Write below a list of the top three that are present in your life.

  1. Spotify (Literally all day long)
  2. E-Mail
  3. Instagram

It's fascinating how digital platforms and devices operate, especially with the constant evolution of technology and the integration of AI. I'm often amazed by how accurately these services predict what I'm searching for. Among them, Instagram stands out as my favorite. There's always a sense of anticipation as it suggests content aligned with my interests, making each browsing session a delightful discovery journey.

Email inbox spam
Texting and mobile keyboards AutoCorrect, auto-completion
Netflix recommendation engines
Netflix recommendations
Google (search function) recommendation engines, auto completion, advertisements
Social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc) recommendation engines, conversatonal systems, advertising and marketing

Benefits of AI

  1. Efficiency: AI streamlines tasks, saving time.
  2. Convenience: AI offers personalized experiences.
  3. Personalization: Tailored content and services.
  4. Innovation: Drives advancements across industries.
  5. Problem-Solving: Analytical capabilities for complex issues.