How to use Git in a project?

I had the opportunity to prepare a presentation of Git and thought it would be great to share it to whoever wants to use it in a project.

Loading of a C++ class from a shared library (Modern C++)

There is already a lot of stuff on internet, related to dynamic loading of classes from a shared library. However I couldn’t find a simple example and explanation on how to do it with the following conditions : Using modern C++ (from c++11), cross-platform and generic enough to be used by a wide range of programs.


Has Paris found its new main Tech event with VivaTechnology?

It’s been 3 months since I went to the VivaTechnology event, but I was very busy these last weeks, and couldn’t find any time to write down my feelings about it… VivaTechnology is an event that takes place in Paris, every year in June, since 2016. Its main goal is to bring together the players in the Tech ecosystem.

Que vaut Deepin Desktop Environment (15.4) ?

Après 2 ans de vie commune avec Linux, je commençais à désespérer de trouver un environnement graphique un minimum “sexy”. J’avais plus ou moins réussi à rendre attrayant XFCE, mais j’ai depuis entendu parler de Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE pour les intimes). Je me suis donc lancé dans son installation, sur une base Arch linux.

A modern and lightweight Arch-Linux (xfce) configuration

I’m currently working on an Arch Linux distribution. What I love about it is the huge amount of Sys Admin stuff I learned while installing it again and again, each time faster than before, and with a better knowledge of what I was doing. I’m not going to explain how to install it, but rather present some packages I use to customize the default system.