Note: needed materials drawn from excerpts from proposal, organized by component, and arranged by priority

First Priority


“Knob type potentiometer for hue and 2 sliders for saturation and brightness.”

Instead of potentiometer, I could use a rotary coder to go 360 degrees, matching the 360 color wheel for hue.

Looking at Adafruit, I found a scrubber knob that works for my purposes. I chose this specific knob because it would allow people to use a single finger to change the hue value, which would be convenient if holding a knife palette.

I also wanted to provide some visual indication of the hue color wheel to the rotary encoder component as a reference to what color changing the rotary encoder value leads to. So, I got a NeoPixel Ring that is big enough to place around the scrubber knob.

  1. Rotary Encoder with knob

    Scrubber Knob for Rotary Encoder - 35mm PID: 2055

    Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 6.54.08 AM.png


Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 6.57.18 AM.png

  1. Ring light for HSB color

    NeoPixel Ring - 24x5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers PID: 1586

    Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 6.54.34 AM.png

    [NeoPixel Ring Guides]

  2. Slider Potentiometers with knobs x2

    Slide Potentiometer with Plastic Knob - 45mm Long - 10KΩ PID: 4272

    Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 6.54.53 AM.png


Color1 <> Color2

“I will use a pushbutton that turns one LED on and another LED off when pressed. The two LEDs used would display the color that is being manipulated as a form of previewing the color.“

I knew I had to use a NeoPixel LED to be able to program specific colors onto the LED. The smallest chunk of NeoPixels is this set of 8. However, I saw that I could break it in half to have 2 chunks of 4 NeoPixels each. Then, I can allocate 4 NeoPixels to display color 1 and 4 to display color 2.

I was searching specifically for panel mount pushbuttons when I noticed a distinction between momentary and latch pushbuttons. A momentary pushbutton has a HI current (on) when pressed and LO current (off) when released, whereas a latch pushbutton toggles between the state of HI current (on) and LO current (off). I needed to toggle between two active states or parts, not just one and off.