Contract Explanation Points (minor suit) Points (hearts)
Parti (Game) Win more points than the opponents. 1 2
40-100 Win 100 points with the 40 meld. 4 8
4 Aces Win all four Aces. 4 8
Ulti Win the last trick with the VII of trumps. 4 8
Betli Lose all tricks. No-trumps. 5 10*
Durchmars Win all tricks. Can be trumps or no-trumps. 6 12*
20-100 Win 100 points with only one 20 meld. 8 16
Open Betli Lose all tricks, everyone plays with open cards after first trick. 20 -
Open Durchmars
Win all tricks, everyone plays with open cards after first trick. 24 -

*: The no-trumps contracts can be played at their normal or doubled values; in the doubled cases, they’re still no-trumps.

Contract Values Total Value
Parti 1 1
Hearts Parti 2 2
40-100 4 4
Parti Four aces 1+4 5
Parti Ulti 1+4
Betli 5
Minor Suit Durchmars 6 6
No-Trumps Durchmars 6
40-100 four aces 4+4 8
40-100 Ulti 4+4
20-100 8
Hearts 40-100 8
Parti Ulti Four Aces 1+4+4 9
Hearts Four Aces 8+2 10
Hearts Ulti 8+2
40-100 Minor Suit Durchmars 4+6
Ulti Minor Suit Durchmars 4+6
Rebetli 10
40-100 Ulti Four Aces 4+4+4 12
20-100 Ulti 8+4
20-100 Four Aces 8+4
Open Minor Suit Durchmars 12
Redurchmars 12
Hearts Durchmars 12
40-100 Ulti Minor Suit Durchmars 4+4+6 14
20-100 Minor Suit Durchmars 8+6
20-100 Ulti Four Aces 8+4+4 16
40-100 Open Minor Suit Durchmars 4+12
Ulti Open Minor Suit Durchmars 4+12
Hearts 40-100 Four Aces 8+8
Hearts 40-100 Ulti 8+8
Hearts 20-100 16
Parti Hearts Ulti Four Aces 2+8+8 18
20-100 Ulti Minor Suit Durchmars 8+4+6
40-100 Ulti Open Minor Suit Durchmars 4+4+12 20
Hearts Ulti Durchmars 8+12
20-100 Open Minor Suit Durchmars 8+12
Hearts 40-100 Durchmars 8+12
Open Betli 20
20-100 Ulti Open Minor Suit Durchmars 8+4+12 24
Hearts 40-100 Ulti Four Aces 8+8+8
Hearts 20-100 Four Aces 16+8
Hearts 20-100 Ulti 16+8
Open No-trumps Durchmars 24
Hearts Open Durchmars 24
Hearts 40-100 Ulti Durchmars 8+8+12 28
Hearts 20-100 Durchmars 16+12
Hearts 20-100 Ulti Four Aces 16+8+8 32
Hearts 40-100 Open Durchmars 8+24
Hearts Ulti Open Durchmars 8+24
Hearts 20-100 Ulti Durchmars 16+8+12 36
Hearts 40-100 Ulti Open Durchmars 8+8+24 40
Hearts 20-100 Open Durchmars 16+24
Hearts 20-100 Ulti Open Durchmars 16+8+24 48