We feel that Bounties are a very effective way to allow the community to become contributors. Bounties are well-defined tasks with measurable outcomes, proper submission details, and fixed incentives. If you are looking for specific mini-engagements with Biconomy, you should look at the bounties.

We don't want the community to spend time looking for details but to focus on bounty submissions and quality of work. The Biconomy DAO is launching an Internal Bounty Board to allow the community members to find all the tasks and bounties in one place and all the relevant details.

Biconomy Bounty Board

How can you participate in Biconomy Bounties?

  1. Head to the Bounty Board and look for relevant open bounties.
  2. Each bounty should have a detailed description of the requirements, submission details, reward, and resources.
  3. Submit the bounty before the deadline using the bounty submission form.
  4. Please sit back and wait for us to come back!

You can share the bounty work in any manner that makes sense. For example, if the work is to write a blog post, simply sharing a link to the content and a text file will suffice. If it is a video tutorial, a link to the video and a file of the video will work. All these submissions need to happen via the Bounty Submission form.

<aside> ✅ Alternatively, you can also request a bounty via a grant as a community member. If you believe that you can build something that can help us, apply for a grant and let us know the specifics.


<aside> 🙏🏻 Still, have questions? Email us at [email protected] and we'll help you out
