
Fix the root causes of CKD. Simple foods to heal kidney!Without medications or drugs. Without potions or exotic herbs. No more treatments, hospitals, or medical expenses...

…to prove the doctor’s prognosis wrong and to ensure several more happy, healthy years for herself So Fiona and I got to work finding an alternative health solution using all-natural treatments. Despite our medical backgrounds in naturopathic medicine, we still knew that understanding kidney reversal from a holistic perspective takes plenty of research.

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And it did. After reviewing countless peer-reviewed journals, clinical trials and other medical literature, we put together an all-natural program that we believed could save Nanna. And we got right to implementing what we’d learned.

Because here’s the thing.

Contrary to the typical message you’ll hear from doctors, that can be so disheartening. There are options.In fact, there was a treatment option that I’ll tell you about, which Nanna started on almost right away. Her very first checkup just 12 weeks later, her kidney function had already begun to improve. Nanna told us how puzzled the doctor was when he saw the new set of lab results.This kind of improvement was not supposed to happen. And yet, there it was. Her creatinine had gone down, her GFR had gone up.**


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And at her 6 month checkup, she went back to her doctor to give him a piece of her mind! Why? Because her kidney function had greatly improved without dialysis.Actually, her kidney function doubled, and she went from having borderline stage 4 kidney disease to having stage 1. She got her life back, so she could live like any normal and healthy person, being happy, being energetic, enjoying her family. I can tell you this.This was not a miracle, not a fluke, and not a temporary thing either. In fact, when she passed at age 83, her kidney function had remained near-perfect.She never had to go on dialysis. She never suffered the cascade of negative health effects.Not a sign of fatigue, no disease, and definitely no dialysis machine to tie her down.Thankfully the doctor had been wrong, and Nanna would enjoy ten more happy, laughter-filled years. Get Instant Access


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