Hello there! I have created this site to showcase my previous work.

little about me: I am a person obsessed with great design. It doesn't matter if it is found in games, technology or everyday objects. I currently work in mobile game industry. Specifically in hypercasual games. I started as a game developer and smoothly transitioned into full time game producer. I still develop games as sometimes you have to show your idea rather than telling it.

I categorized projects based on their production level. I provided the links if the game is published and include my roles and responsibilities in the description.

Good Job Games(2020-2021) - Projects I Worked On Chronologically


Status: Prototype

Link: -

Description: A board game based on peg solitaire. Transformed the game play for easier mobile input.

Roles: Game Developer, Game Designer.





Easter Eggs 3D

Status: Launched 2M+ downloads #13 in US App Store

Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/easter-eggs-3d/id1503983411

Description: Paint easter eggs with putting stencils on them and dipping them into the buckets.

This game has a special place in my heart because it was the first commercially successful game I was involved with. It had a reverse puzzle mechanic which was hard to get the grasp off.\

Roles: Game Designer, Game Developer



