<aside> 🌱 Beanstalk is a permissionless fiat stablecoin protocol built on Ethereum.

                         [**Website](<https://bean.money/>) • [Docs](<https://docs.bean.money/almanac>) • [Discord](<https://discord.gg/beanstalk>) • [Twitter](<https://twitter.com/BeanstalkFarms>) • [GitHub](<https://github.com/beanstalkfarms>)**



A great view of the freshly Fertilized and Replanted Beanstalk on August 4th, 2022. Bean Farmers far and wide celebrated the Replanting by singing Bean Believers in the Barn. Legend has it that Silo Chad was seen crowdsurfing.

A great view of the freshly Fertilized and Replanted Beanstalk on August 4th, 2022. Bean Farmers far and wide celebrated the Replanting by singing Bean Believers in the Barn. Legend has it that Silo Chad was seen crowdsurfing.

Every late October, Zombie Bean is summoned to the Farm by Beanthoven via the Zombie Bean Ballad. Zombie Bean likes to redecorate the Farm for Halloween festivities.

Every late October, Zombie Bean is summoned to the Farm by Beanthoven via the Zombie Bean Ballad. Zombie Bean likes to redecorate the Farm for Halloween festivities.

An autumn scene of the hourly Sunrise on the Bean Farm. Bean Farmers spent time reflecting on Beanstalk Summer by listening to nostalgic tunes like the Lovely Day Beanstalk Remix, the Fertilizer Song and the Barn Raise Song.

An autumn scene of the hourly Sunrise on the Bean Farm. Bean Farmers spent time reflecting on Beanstalk Summer by listening to nostalgic tunes like the Lovely Day Beanstalk Remix, the Fertilizer Song and the Barn Raise Song.

Christmas on the Farm. Farmers gathered around the fire in the Barn and listened to A Beanstalk Christmas Carol.

Christmas on the Farm. Farmers gathered around the fire in the Barn and listened to A Beanstalk Christmas Carol.

<aside> 🌱 Questions? Check out:
