I have had an open bite for over a decade. My back teeth touched but my front teeth did not. Almost no one noticed, except dentists and me. My open bite affected the way I talked, breathed, and chewed. Over the course of a few more decades, it could lead to more serious issues (i.e imagine 40 more years of just chewing with your molars).

Here is a before picture of my open bite.

open bit.png

Add in open and closed mouth image

Starting in April 2020, I decided to take the plunge and go on the path of getting jaw surgery. Today's topic will be my journey so far. Here I am with my Mom circa 2005. As a side note, Abercrombie stopped sponsoring my baseball career shortly after this picture.


I got braces in July 2020. It felt odd to have them on as a 30-year old. After all, I had braces for years as a kid and now 15 years later I was getting them again.

Here is a timeline of my jaw surgery.


Source: Figma file

Double jaw surgery or Upper jaw surgery?

Here is the ortho and surgeon team: