An experiment to Rebuild the Slave Ships through Perception, rather than Intervention

<aside> ▪️ On the 9th of January 2021 we did a second run of our technique to diffract looking beyond space and time.

In all our previous meeting as a group, the Water element appeared immediately on a felt sense (more than on a rational sense) central for our inquiry on Rebuilding the Slave Ship: her spirit, her ubiquitous presence, her participation to all processes sustaining Life, her having touched everything (Bakhita and the Slave Ship(s) included) and still being in(side) us and so letting us to be touched by everything beyond space and time.

So after having prototyped and tuned our technique and our connection in the AfricaMuseum experience, we decided to use it to try to get in touch with the Slave Ship through Water.

So Cristiano in Italy, Doerte in Spain, Julie in Belgium, Maya in Germany and Sherwood in France got for one and the same hour to visit a Body of Water and each one performed in the beginning a ritual/ceremony to open Portals to connect with the others and asking the Water permission to enter in intimate relation with her and whatever her wanted to put us in touch with around Bakhita and the Slave Ship.

Each of us, in different ways, kept an audio/video/picture/text private time-stamped diary and from time to time shared something on the WhatsApp chat. Then this private time-stamped diary has been sent to one of us that composed the following collective time-stamped diary where there is no author if not the Mystery.

This is an open experimentation around the hypothesis that rebuilding the Slave Ship is not a matter of Intervention, but of a work on the Perception.

And it is an ongoing prototyping of a new diffraction technique that could help to that extent.

The time-stamps where more than one diary/WhatsApp event overlapped are connected through AND.



11:08 moving towards the Sea here (or is the Sea moving towards me?)





the spectacle of the drips falling into the water is mesmerising

the spectacle of the drips falling into the water is mesmerising
