
👋 Hey there!

This is the first open update for InvoiceRecover. I'll be posting these updates every 2 weeks with my progress building and selling this SaaS product.

<aside> 📨 Get notified via email when I post the next update.


Most of these updates will have short intros followed by a product, marketing, and business update.

Today I thought we’d start with a quick recap.

The start

InvoiceRecover started in February of 2021. I posted the tweet below and planned to share my journey going from 0-1 with a new SaaS product. I made good steady progress in February only to come to a screeching halt in March 😵

The screeching halt

In the end of March I posted a vague tweet about InvoiceRecover. "[Some really exciting things have happened, but it means I'll have to put this on hold indefinitely. Hopefully some day I'll re-open this thread.](]("

So what happened?

Well, I sold two different products, Booklaunch and Betterlance, to an Australian invoicing company called Invoice2go. Yay, acquisition! Here's the press release.

I spent the next 7 months working full-time with Invoice2go to integrate Booklaunch and Betterlance in to their platform. It coincided with a major company-wide relaunch that successfully positioned them to be acquired by for $825M 😯. Yay, more acquisitions!

Needless to say, the lawyers at Invoice2go preferred I not be working on a side project directly related to…invoicing. Something, something, conflicts of interest, blah, blah, NDAs, yada yada yada, intellectual property. Anyway, I had to put it on hold while working with Invoice2go.

The restart

Now we're all caught up.

InvoiceRecover has sat stagnant for almost 8 months. And now I'm picking it back up 🎉

But this time I've updated my goals:

  1. Build a great product