Last meeting


Discussion around Gitcoin’s Kernel (Research & Development)

Desired outcomes for the meeting

Obtain more context and insight into people’s experiences of Kernel - including any PRO’s or CON’s that they might have.

Walkthrough on the Kernel flow and process **aakansha**

Q&A with aakansha

Enquire about what a newcomer would hope to get out of Fellowships **luan**


AxisOne Program: Outline

AxisOne: Season 1 Budget Proposal

Kernel Website

🎙️ Recording

AxisOne Meeting #1.m4a

🗒️ Agenda & Notes

👋 Welcome & Introductions

AxisOne Program aakansha luan

One of the focus areas for Season 1 is to build out a framework for the Fellowships pathway (potentially for a Season 2 rollout). As aakansha has gone through Gitcoin’s Kernel program, she will be running point on this effort.

Current status: We have ascertained which existing D_D members have gone through the program, and have set up an initial meeting, where we can learn more about their various experiences.

We will likely do a series of these over the course of the coming months, to build a more comprehensive understanding of what Kernel offers — and figure out what we’d like Fellowships to offer. One such difference, will be a shorter time frame: 4 weeks.

If you are interested in joining this effort, please let me know 🙂