In C++ methods that differs only by const qualifier can be overloaded. Sometimes there may be a need of two versions of getter that return a reference to some member.

Let Foo be a class, that has two methods that perform identical operations and returns a reference to an object of type Bar:

class Foo
    Bar& GetBar(/* some arguments */)
        /* some calculations */
        return bar;
    const Bar& GetBar(/* some arguments */) const
        /* some calculations */
        return bar;

    // ...

The only difference between them is that one method is non-const and return a non-const reference (that can be use to modify object) and the second is const and returns const reference.

To avoid the code duplication, there is a temptation to call one method from another. However, we can not call non-const method from the const one. But we can call const method from non-const one. That will require as to use ‘const_cast’ to remove the const qualifier.

The solution is:

struct Foo
    Bar& GetBar(/*arguments*/)
        return const_cast<Bar&>(const_cast<const Foo*>(this)->GetBar(/*arguments*/));
    const Bar& GetBar(/*arguments*/) const
        /* some calculations */
        return foo;

In code above, we call const version of GetBar from the non-const GetBar by casting this to const type: const_cast<const Foo*>(this). Since we call const method from non-const, the object itself is non-const, and casting away the const is allowed.

Examine the following more complete example:

#include <iostream>

class Student
    char& GetScore(bool midterm)
        return const_cast<char&>(const_cast<const Student*>(this)->GetScore(midterm));
    const char& GetScore(bool midterm) const
        if (midterm)
            return midtermScore;
            return finalScore;
    char midtermScore;
    char finalScore;

int main()
    // non-const object
    Student a; 
    // We can assign to the reference. Non-const version of GetScore is called
    a.GetScore(true) = 'B';
    a.GetScore(false) = 'A';
    // const object
    const Student b(a); 
    // We still can call GetScore method of const object,
    // because we have overloaded const version of GetScore
    std::cout << b.GetScore(true) << b.GetScore(false) << '\\n'; 