Customers at risk can be authentified thanks to the DEAR framework (Thank you so much Alex Tran for teaching me this framework !!)


What is it ?

Deployment concerns onboarding, setup and deployment.

When a customer does not understand the product motto, does not setup the product correctly and do not perform properly deployment of the solution within his company, it is therefore at risk.

How to identify and act on it ?

Authentify crucial setup settings that need to be implemented and spot users who did not finish there implementation

Gather during the sales part number of potential users and make sure the number is meet during the first quarter of usage

Remain product motto during each communication so customers understand added value that can be added


What is it ?

Consistent engagement is very important especially in tech touch to avoid Dealing with silent customers. Engagement is company to the customer but also customer to the company.

How to identify and act on it ?

Isolate these customers, look on Linkedin to find their counterpart and contact them to evangelize your solution again. If no answer, ask your manager to contact manager of the product admin to get in touch with them.


What is it ?