
For this course you’ll be participating in self-reflection and self-assessment. After you have completed each assignment, you will reflect on your process and product and assess your work. I will share with you a series of prompts in a Google form. You don’t have to answer them all, if you find yourself wanting to talk about some more than others. I may offer additional suggestions for prompts for a given assignment.

We will draw on a framework called Bloom’s Taxonomy, which considers learning as a spectrum (or pyramid) from knowledge to evaluation. The skills that make up Bloom’s Taxonomy are cumulative and exponential, demonstrating growth and deeper understanding and mastery as you move from comprehension only toward synthesis and evaluation Loosely using this framework as a touchstone, you will answer specific prompts about work process and product. These reflections will emphasize effort and individual growth.

For your reference, here is a chart showing Bloom’s Taxonomy.

The purpose of this self reflection process is to de-emphasize grades in favor of learning and creativity, but as grades are a reality at Middlebury, here’s how Bloom’s Taxonomy translates to letter and numerical grading.