<aside> 💡 Owner: @Marcin Hagmajer


Getting started

AskQL is a query language that lets you ask a computer about its resources.

<aside> 💡 For example, if you have access to a computer that shares a resource named hello and runs AskVM, you may ask it about the value of that resource in the following way.


ask {

"Hello world, my name is Ask. I'm the core component of AskQL allowing you to easily ask a system to compute something for you."

<aside> 🤖 AskQL queries are AskScript (Ask) programs which can perform any computation you desire.


ask {
	'Hello world!'

"Hello world!"

<aside> ⚙️ Imperative statements can be used to perform transformations.


ask {
	const factorial = fun (n:int): int {
		if (n:lessThan(2)) {
			return n
	score :factorial

120 // for resources { score: 5 }

<aside> ⚡ Ask allows querying many resources at the same time concurrently with the query expression.


ask {
	query {
	firstName: "John"
	lastName: "Smith"

<aside> 🔍 You can query resources at different levels too.


ask {
	query {
		parents {
	firstName: "Luke"
	lastName: "Skywalker"
	parents: [{
		firstName: "Padmé"
		lastName: "Amidala"
	}, {
		firstName: "Anakin"
		lastName: "Skywalker"

<aside> 🔧 Ask can transform queried data before returning it.


ask {
	query {
		fullName :firstName :concat(' ', lastName) :toUpperCase

  fullName: "JOHN SMITH"

// for resources { firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith" }

<aside> 🔗 Transformations can be chained together to perform complicated computations.


ask {
	const sumOfSquares = fun (a:int): int {
		const square = fun (a: int): int {
			a:times(a) // equivalent of times(n, n)
	score :times(2) :plus(1) :toString :call(fun (s:string): string {
		const double = fun (s:string):string {
		s:double // same as s:double()
	}) :toInt :sumOfSquares :number

2178 // for resources { score: 2 }

<aside> ☝ Values in AskQL can be asserted using special type assertions functions like number which were also used as type annotations in the anonymous function passed to call. You can learn more about this in the AskQL Quick Guide.
