Once you've completed today's Daily Screening, you will be able to access the Arrival Badge.

This badge can aid with the efficient drop-off of students by allowing staff to quickly confirm that you have filled out the required attestations. The Arrival Badge is also color-coded based on the highest level of risk and your answers to the attestation questions.

You can access this badge by clicking Done once you've completed your Daily Screening or anytime after you've finished by going to Arrival Badge on the menu. You can also access this badge if you get signed out of Knight Check by signing back in and going to Arrival Badge.


What if I can't find my badge?

If you've completed the attestations and you can't find your badge - don't worry! School staff can always look up your student(s) to confirm before arrival.

Arrival Badge Colors

The arrival badge with either be green, yellow, or red. This depends on the highest level of risk of all of the students screened by that guardian.

So if a guardian has screened three students, this is how the badge will be colored in various scenarios:

Example Badges







Badge Details

The following image shows the various areas of the Arrival Badge with their meanings:
