THIS IS A great time for anyone interested in hardware and low-level programming, and things just keep getting better. The most recent proof of this is the recent release of the Arduino Esplora, an enhanced version of the standard Arduino that is aimed squarely at anyone interested in developing a handheld game system. Now, obviously a 16MHz ATmega-based system is hardly a speed-demon by modern standards, but considering that the original Nintendo Gameboy ran at a mere 4.19MHz, it's clear that there is some serious possibility in the Esplora.

Like the Arno we looked at recently, the Esplora includes a pile of pre-wired components that make it really easy for even the solder-phobic to get started. The official list of hardware is: Analog joystick with central push-button 4 push-buttons in standard diamond configuration Linear potentiometer Microphone for measuring the loudness of the surrounding environment Light sensor for measuring the ambient light levels Temperature sensor for measuring the ambient temperature Three-axis accelerometer (X, Y, and Z) Piezo-electric buzzer RGB LED 2 TinkerKit Inputs to connect the TinkerKit sensor modules with the 3-pin connectors 2 TinkerKit Outputs to connect the TinkerKit actuator modules with the 3-pin connectors TFT display connector connector for an optional color LCD screen, SD card, or other devices that use the SPI protocol

The Esplora's ATmega32u4 includes 32KB of RAM, along with 2.5 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM, which again dwarfs the original GameBoy specs. The Arduino guys provide their usual top-notch documentation and support libraries for working with the Esplora's pre-wired hardware, making it easy to get started. If you're interested in more information, head over to the Esplora page at the Arduino site. #ARDUINO#ELECTRONIC GEEK