Welcome To Journalism 3.0 !

Good Morning News is the world's first blockchain-powered decentralized publishing house.

We source headline news and stories from around the world and deliver this content directly to your wallet. Good Morning News isn't just reviving traditional journalism; we are reinventing the concept of journalism and what it means to meaningfully engage with our audience and contributors.

In addition to publishing, Good Morning News is creating an open-source framework within which anyone can create sustainable, immutable, censorship-resistant journalism. Built on Ethereum. Built for you.

Connect with the Good Morning News and be one of the first to subscribe to the future of journalism and be a part of our Decentralized News Organization. The Good Morning News NFT will update every single day with the latest news and headlines from around the world.

Token holders are known as subscribers. Subscribers not only have lifelong access to a decentralized news source, but also governance over the direction of the publication. Anyone in the world can contribute to the publication but only subscribers get to vote on which stories will get published for the next day’s edition.

10% of all secondary market sales are returned to the protocol and paid to journalists who work for the protocol.50% of all sales used to buy back PAPER tokens and add to PAPER/MATIC liquidity pool

Are You a Crypto News Hound?

Head over to the separate Good Morning News Discord and ask about contributing as a writer, editor or designer for the world’s first daily on-chain news publication. Writers Guild members receive a free NFT subscription and activity will count towards your Writers Guild contribution.

Tell ‘em WG sent ya 😄

Who From WG is Contributing?

GMN Contributor Data
