Fortunata is a place where people make do with what they have, so construction materials reflect the availability within that region:

A few places I think you should know about . . .

Iron Gate

Iron Gate is the largest city between the Broken Heart and the trade cities of the Middle Sea.

Though Valmanway is its main cultural influence, its urban architecture reflects ancient Redmain (Roman/Byzantine) and Sogserrat (Sogdian) influences — the Valmani don't really have an urban architecture.

Building Materials

Geographical Context

Iron Gate is positioned between the Valmanway Mountains (to the west) and the Scar (to the east).

Trade runs East/West via a nearby river, where watermills power hammers used to make armor and weapons.

The Road to Nowhere starts inside the city and descends through a ravine to the floor of the Scar. This road is defended by the actual "Iron Gate".