Applying your own style, DVLOP2.mp4

Combining your preferred preset style with PHAiTO’s edits is a quick way to make the images look just right! PHAiTO’s Classic look is the best starting point to add your style on top of

  1. In the Develop Module, select any images and create a virtual copy

  2. Apply your go-to preset to the virtual copy

  3. Copy these settings from the Black and White preset, or create yourself a NEW go-to preset to use with your PHAiTO edits that include these settings:

  1. Label your virtual copy so that you can remember which image you started with

  2. Select all of the images that you would like to apply your style to, activate Auto-Sync, and create virtual copies of these images

  3. With the new virtual copies still selected and Auto-Sync still activated, paste the settings you copied, or apply the new preset you created to the images.

  4. Deactivate Auto-Sync before making any other changes.

  5. Review your images in Library mode to see if any stand out as needing a little adjustment