Inbound applications

Candidates may apply through several different channels, with no preference is given to one over the others. These may include:

New applications are logged in our tracking worksheet (access restricted to protect candidate confidentiality—we'll open it if needed) as they're received.

From here, the next step is an ‣.

Outbound sourcing

Depending on the position, we may proactively source qualified candidates from LinkedIn, Github, or personal websites. To ensure we're making the most of candidates' time, any candidate sourced for a position at Koan should pass the criteria outlined in the ‣.

Candidate referrals

Many of us have colleagues from previous jobs who we'd love to work with again. We also recognize the new ideas and experiences that less-familiar candidates can bring to the table, and while we accept internal referrals, we do not incentivize them or change the expectations on any of our Interview assessments.

The biggest advantage of an internal referral is that we may skip the initial (screening) stages and advance as far as the ‣ based on the referrer's good word and the hiring manager's discretion. But subsequent ‣ and final Decisions, Offers and Diligence carry the same expectations as for anybody else.