While malware apps still make it to official stores, the majority of infections continue to rely on other distribution methods, including stand-alone installers and third-party stores.

This is the conclusion of an analysis conducted by RiskIQ, which explains that in 2019 the mobile world actually got safer.

“Despite seeing and cataloging far more apps in 2019, RiskIQ blacklisted 25,796 apps, more than 76% fewer than in 2018,” the research reads.

But according to the analysis, downloading apps from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play store continues to be the recommended choice moving forward, as both are getting more secure and cybercriminals turn to other methods to infect mobile devices. The number of malware in the Play Store has also decreased in 2019, with blacklisted apps decreasing by over 76 percent.

“Apple treats its App Store like Fort Knox and rarely hosts dangerous apps. Meanwhile, Google’s security controls are improving despite allowing troublesome apps to enter the Play Store at a rate it finds acceptable—the number of blacklisted apps in the Play store dropped an impressive 76.4% in 2019,” RiskIQ explains.

Stores likely to serve malicious downloads

There are several app stores that you need to stay away from, and 9Game is listed as the one with the biggest chances to serve you malware. Feral apps, VmallApps, Xiaomi, and Zhushou are also listed by RiskIQ as the “stores from which you were most likely to download a malicious app.”

Users should always check permission requirements for the apps they install, as these are most often an indicator that they include malware, the researchers explain, along with a suspicious developer name, user reviews, and the number of downloads.

“If you find you have installed an app that spams you with links or tries to force downloads—or it turns out to be a lookalike or disappears after installation or one use—having regular, recent backups lets you wipe the phone and restore it to a safe state,” the research concludes.







