In Gatsby Cloud, bare apex domain (e.g.,, etc.) and www. subdomains (e.g.,, etc.) are automatically linked as a redirect. Whichever domain you add first will act as the primary domain and the automatically added domain will be redirected to the primary domain.

For example, if you add as a domain, Gatsby Hosting will automatically add as a domain with a redirect in place. Conversely, if you first add, Gatsby Hosting will automatically add as a domain with a redirect in place.

Adding a Domain

  1. Add either an apex domain or www. subdomain to your Gatsby Hosting configuration. You can read more about adding a domain in Adding a Custom Domain.

  2. You should see a redirect pair of domains with the domain you entered as a primary domain.


  3. Follow the directions for adding DNS records for both of the domains that are listed. The apex domain will need an A Record pointed to an IP address and the subdomain will need a CNAME pointed at your Gatsby Hosting default URL,

Switching the Redirect

  1. If you want the redirected domain to be the primary domain, click the "Make Primary" button on the right-hand side of the domain listing.


Removing a Domain from a Redirect

  1. To remove a domain from the redirect, click "Remove" on the right-hand side of the domain listing. The remaining domain will act as a non-redirected domain, regardless of whether it was the primary domain or not.


    <aside> ☝ If you re-add the domain you just removed, both domains will act as primary domains without a redirect. If you need to re-add the redirect, remove both domains and start over.
