Hi! I am a UX/UI designer building digital products for the web and mobile. I work at the intersection of aesthetics and functionality. Open to collaboration, Say Hello!






Improve employee performance

A mobile and web product that improved employee performance by supporting a culture of appreciation, open feedback and continuous learning.


Cook delicious meals at home

On-device experience for the robotic cooking assistant prototype for CES, the most influential tech event in the world.


Simplify corporate travel

Simplified corporate travel by blending traveler and company policies. Complete travel management platform for businesses and travelers.


Visual design system for a photography community

Design guidelines to build an online photography community. Includes example pages, graphics, and style guide.


I am a UX/UI designer with 18+ years of experience. I work with startups to build digital products. The technology space is constantly changing and I reinvent myself every 3-5 years to stay relevant. I have worked in a design studio, a large software services company and an enterprise product company.

I left my corporate job about 10 years back, took a year-long sabbatical and recalibrated my career path. I decided to work with startups – I enjoy the work culture and the promise of making a big impact while working in a relatively small, diverse team. Though am a UX/UI designer, am interested in the process of building products and the business as a whole.

I believe that great products look stunning and work like a charm – That is why I work at the intersection of aesthetics and functionality.

If you want to collaborate on a project, want to hire me or just want to have a chat, say Hello!


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© Aparajith Aradhya 2021